Dear trusted professional partner,
We hope this message finds you well. At POPS, we’re excited to embark on a journey to refresh and revitalise our brand and we’re thrilled to invite you to be a part of this transformative process. Your insights, expertise and perspective as a valued professional partner are essential as we strive to shape a brand identity that accurately represents our mission, values and commitment to serving prisoners’ families.
As an integral member of our network, your feedback holds tremendous value in guiding our re-branding efforts. Your unique perspective on our organisation and its impact within the criminal justice system and broader community will help us ensure that our brand resonates effectively with our stakeholders and reflects the vital role we play in supporting families affected by the cirminal justice system.
This questionnaire serves as the initial step in our re-branding journey, providing an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, observations and suggestions regarding various aspects of our brand identity and activities. Your input will play a pivotal role in shaping the direction of our re-branding strategy and ensuring that it aligns with our shared goals and values.
We understand the demands of your profession and greatly appreciate your willingness to dedicate your time and expertise to this endeavour. Your participation will contribute significantly to our efforts to strengthen the POPS brand and enhance our ability to support families affected by the criminal justice system effectively.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership and collaboration. We look forward to hearing your valuable insights and working together to make POPS even more impactful in the lives of those we serve.
Warm regards,
Diane Curry OBE
Chief Executive Officer of POPS